Saturday, October 2, 2010

On the Road - Grand Meadow Windfarm, Dexter, MN

While traversing Minnasota we came across the Grand Meadow windfarm near Dexter, Minnesota, which is arranged in a great 6- mile swathe that crosses the I-90 Highway. Grand Meadow windfarm comprises 67 turbines, each producing up to 1.5 megawatts for a total max output of 100.5 megawatts. We came across them just as the light was fading at sunset. The sunset magnified their size, and the turbines stood like great sentinels presiding over the endless cornfields. The tapered elegance of their blades suggest that they were shaped by the wind themselves, while their sheer size and majesty makes a mockery of any suggestion that they will not be a significant part of our energy future.   For more see:

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