Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Power ~ the only way to get around

Our speedy but grueling trip across the Great Plains warrants an entry dedicated to our gallant and gutsy, while environmentally considerate, steed – that machine which is universally known as Prius.

Prius has a decidedly aerodynamic shape, with the bonnet and windshield making a straight line that pushes the windstream smoothly over its crown. This futuristic, somewhat nerdy shape contributes somewhat to the legendary fuel consumption. Prius has an electric motor in addition to its 2.6l petrol motor. A massive brain hidden cleverly under the elongated dashboard determines how much power to draw from each engine.

More to show off to than to inform the driver, one of the many display options features a diagram of both engines and arrows pointing towards the drive shaft. Amongst the other display options are: (i) a minute-by-minute fuel consumption indicator, which can also be switched to 5-minute intervals; (ii) a hybrid engine indicator, which shows how much power is being used by the car or alternately (when braking), how much the battery is being charged – Prius has regenerative breaking, and (iii) a bar graph displaying the fuel consumption and average speed of your previous five trips, as well as your best ever trip. We have found that our fuel consumption is about 43 miles per gallon for highway driving at 75mph; city driving gets about 50 mpg and; scenic driving, at 30-50mph, gets above 60 mpg. Cruise control seems to save more fuel than regular driving, and, for the record, Lish has the record for fuel consumption on a trip consisting of scenic driving and backroads driving over 100 miles averaging 58.8mpg. One of the permanent displays is an instantaneous fuel consumption indicator which definitely aids in achieving high scores on the averages chart.

Prius has an electronic key, and a power button instead of a key-hole to start the car. Prius doesn't start with a starter motor as with other cars, only an indicator that flashes “Ready” when the power button is pressed. Prius has three 'modes' – full electric, eco mode and power mode. I think this is a manual override to control which of the two motors are being used.

In spite of this fiendish fuel efficiency, Prius has excellent storage space. We have all of our belongings for this long trip loaded into the back with the seats folded down (including 2 large suitcases, book box, food box, kitchen box, bathroom box, small esky, backpack full of camping gear, stove, linen bag, pillows bag, shoes box, liquor cabinet, foam mattress, 2 chairs, tea box...)


  1. Guys, is Toyota sponsoring this trip and blog?!?

  2. If Toyota is willing to send us a little travelling money, I wouldn't complain.
